Project partners
PAC Studio LtdCivil / Structural Engineer:
CS Consulting GroupServices Engineer:
Morley Walsh Consulting EngineersThe demolition of all existing structures on site including the batching silos, aggregate bins.
Construction of 3 no. part 4/part 5-storey buildings containing 66 no. residential units, over basement containing 54 no. car parking spaces. The residential element consists of 30 sheltered housing units and 36 general needs housing units with a split of 4 no. 1 bedroom apartments, 54 no. 2 bedroom apartments and 8 no. 3 bedroom apartments.
The project includes an ESB substation and all related infrastructure and site development works.
Services provided:

66 no. residential apartment units to be used for both general housing needs & sheltered housing
Extensive enabling works including demolition of large structures & rock removal
Collaboration with a not-for-profit housing agency