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Civic / Public Realm Public Realm, Clanbrassil St, Dundalk

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Louth County Council



Project partners



Civil / Structural Engineer:

Roughan & O’Donovan Consulting Engineers

Services Engineer:


With a goal of reinvigorating Clanbrassil Street and St Nicholas’ Quarter, a scheme was developed by the Project Team to establish a new identity for this key gateway into Dundalk Town Centre, the second largest town in the country. The objectives of the scheme were to develop Dundalk as a destination where people would go to as a choice, to provide a robust public realm scheme which was flexible enough to respond to changing retail, commercial and social trends. In addition, the intention was to improve access for people in and around the town centre whilst retaining ease of access for all modes of transport such as buses, cyclists and cars and to preserve and conserve the town’s architectural conservation areas and its protected and historic buildings and structures.

The works included hardscaping in granite stone paviours to footpaths retained by granite kerbs, planing of the existing road surface and reinstatement with new bituminous base and wearing course, reconfiguration of road layouts, removal and rationalization of existing traffic signage layout including new installation of new VMS traffic guidance system, replacement of underground services (storm water drains and public utilities), soft landscaping with tree and selected planters and the replacement of public lighting and street furniture.

Services provided:

Archaeologicaly sensitive zone, to include conservation of heritage materials and features
Live pedestrianised environment requiring Phased Construction
Coordination with live existing electrical services in the ground